SOS Spot Remover & Odor Eliminator

Stain remover and odour eliminator spray

SOS Spot Remover & Odor Eliminator
SOS Spot Remover & Odor Eliminator
SOS Spot Remover & Odor Eliminator


Product Number : P100094



Product information

This duo pack allows you to remove stains from your textiles (clothes, carpets, sofa, curtains,...) and to eliminate bad smells easily. 

S.O.S Spot Remover: The stain remover spray removes stains in depth without damaging the fabric. Clean carpets, upholstery and textiles very quickly. Ideal for use as a pre-treatment before using the Hagerty BLUE H machine.

Odor Eliminator: The odour remover spray will destroy the molecules responsible for bad odors (smoke, frying, animal secretions, vomit, sweat, mildew,...) and restore freshness to hard to wash textiles.

How to use the product ?

SOS Spot Remover

  • Spray S.O.S Spot Remover evenly over the area to be treated.
  • Work in with a sponge or brush.
  • Either allow to dry and then vacuum the dry surface; or wash (follow the manufacturer's washing instructions).

Odor Eliminator

  • Shake bottle well and spray directly onto fabric surfaces, then allow to dry.

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